Neuralink; connection between you and your brain

What Is The Neuralink

•It is the Connection between the human Brain and Technology. Neuralink can be used to Operate Encephalopathy.

•It means the Peoples with paralysis can easily operate the phones and computers directly command by Brain .

•Our Brains have 86 Billion Neurons.

•Neuralink is a Gadget that will be surgically inserted into brain using robotics by Neurosurgeons.

•In this Procedure, a chipset which is called the link, have a number of insulated wires connected from the electrodes that are used in this process, are implanted in the skull.

Elon Musk's

How Elon Musk's company Working ?

Elon Musk's company Neuralink has been working on a chip that reads the human brain for the past several years. The company has experimented by putting this chip in the brains of pigs.

Neuralink has demonstrated a coin-sized chip by implanting a pig's brain. Such a chip that can be fitted in the mind of a human in the coming era. It can be fitted in the human brain through skull surgery.

Working on a chip

What is Neuralink Developing?

Neuralink is building a fully integrated brain machine interface (BMI) system. Sometimes you'll see this called a brain computer interface (BCI). Either way, BMIs are technologies that enable a computer or other digital device to communicate directly with the brain.

For example, through information readout from the brain, a person with paralysis can control a computer mouse or keyboard. Or, information can be written back into the brain, for example to restore the sense of touch.

It's goal is to build a system with at least two orders of magnitude more communication channels (electrodes) than current clinically-approved devices.

This system needs to be safe, it must have fully wireless communication through the skin, and it has to be ready for patients to take home and use on their own. Our device, called the Link, will be able to record from 1024 electrodes and is designed to meet these criteria.


According to Elon Musk, his path breaking chip will be able to read the signals of the human brain, due to which the backup of memory is possible, meaning diseases related to memory, diseases related to spinal cord and movement will be cured.

Because, the brain will be controlled through this chip. Musk also believes that this chip can also cause havoc. Because, while controlling the mind, anything can be done to anyone in a scientific way.

How The Neuron Works?

Neurons are information messengers. They use electrical impulses and chemical signals to transmit information between different areas of the brain, and between the brain and the rest of the nervous system.

Everything we think and feel and do would be impossible without the work of neurons and their support cells, the glial cells called astrocytes and oligodendrocytes .

Neurons have three basic parts: a cell body and two extensions called an axon and a dendrite . Within the cell body is a nucleus , which controls the cell’s activities and contains the cell’s genetic material.

The axon looks like a long tail and transmits messages from the cell. Dendrites look like the branches of a tree and receive messages for the cell. Neurons communicate with each other by sending chemicals, called neurotransmitters, across a tiny space, called a synapse, between the axons and dendrites of adjacent neurons.


When a neuron is at rest, the cell body, or soma, of the neuron is negatively charged relative to the outside of the neuron. A neuron at rest has a negative charge of approximately -70 millivolts (mV) of electricity.

However, when a stimulus comes along (like stubbing your toe, or hearing your name being called), it causes the neuron to take in more positive ions, and the neuron becomes more positively charged.

Once the neuron reaches a certain threshold of approximately -55mV, an event known as an action potential occurs and causes the neuron to “fire.” The action potential travels down the axon where it reaches the axon terminal.

Neurons electric impulse transmission

Neuronal communication is exquisitely regulated as a balance between excitatory and inhibitory influences . A given neuron receives hundreds of inputs, almost exclusively on its dendrites and cell body.

These inputs add and subtract in a constantly evolving pattern, depending on what the brain is thinking. This is a process called synaptic integration, which determines whether a neuron becomes active.

In order to become active, the total input must reach a threshold at which excitation outweighs inhibition enough. Only at this point will the receiving neuron spike, adding its voice to the conversation by releasing its own neurotransmitter.

How Can Record Electrical Signals ?

Electrical Signals can be record in the Brain by place electrodes, the normal and abnormal condition of the brain is detected.

With the help of EEG (electroencephalography) Test and With a bluetooth connection, you would control any mouse or keyboard, and experience reality without any mediator.

Neuralink Is Working On ?

Neuralink is preparing two tools. The first is a coin-sized chip that will be implanted in a human's head. From this, even thin wires will come out of the hair, in which 1024 electrodes will go to different parts of the brain.

The data received from them will go through the chip to the computers where researchers will study it. Apart from this chip, there will be a robot which with the help of a needle will stitch the wire coming out of the Neuralink chip into the human brain.

The Neuralink

chip has 3000 electrodes, which can read 1000 neurons of the human brain. Neurons, ie brain cells, which give signals of movement, speech and other activities to the rest of the body, the signals that this chip records look like an ECG graph.


It will work on Visual Cortex,Auditory Cortex ,Sometosensory Cortex

The Link

•Sealed, implanted device that processes, stimulates, and transmits neural signals. designing the first neural implant that will let you control a computer or mobile device anywhere you go.

•Micron-scale threads are inserted into areas of the brain that control movement. Each thread contains many electrodes and connects them to an implant, the Link.


Neural Threads

•Threads is planned to be transplanted into the human brain in the future. This interface has 96 threads to which 3072 electrodes can be connected. These threads are made from polymer fibers and are three times thinner than our hair.

•Meaning 192 electrodes can be connected in each thread. Neuralink has made a 4×4 millimeter chip from these threads and electrodes, which can be surgically transplanted into the human brain in the future.

•The threads on the Link are so fine and flexible that they can’t be inserted by the human hand. Instead, we are building a robotic system that the neurosurgeon can use to reliably and efficiently insert these threads exactly where they need to be.

•Each small and flexible thread contains many electrodes for detecting neural signals.


•Compact inductive charger wirelessly connects to the implant to charge the battery from the outside.

What is The Challange ?

According to some neurosurgeons, Elon Musk's chip will easily record brain signals, but decoding them will be a challenge. Because, no one has fully understood the language of neuron yet. These are only for understanding the rest of the cells of the human body.

How It Will Works ?

In this technique small discs of thin wires, also called electrodes, are placed on each part of the brain. near neurons in order to detect action potentials.

Recording from many neurons allows us to decode the information represented by those cells. In the movement-related areas of the brain, for example, neurons represent intended movements. There are neurons in the brain that carry information about everything we see, feel, touch, or think.

Brain Reading by EEG

After Success This Misson, What Will be the future ?

Humans give input through our fingers, voice or facial gesture to interact with a computer or smartphone, but this method of giving input is very slow and it also has many limitations.

For example, using a computer or smartphone for a disabled person, visually impaired and hearing impaired person is not as easy-to-use as it is for a common person.

That's why the Neuralink startup is engaged in inventing a technology that will act as an interface between a computer or smartphone and the brain. With this we will be able to operate the computer and smartphone with the thoughts of our mind.

With the help of the brain, it can do its important work Or to make better prostheses for people with disabilities that will be directly controlled by their brains.

Hence it can prove to be extremely beneficial for patients suffering from brain trauma, subarachnoid haemorrhage ,psycho-physical diseases, paralysis, Parkinson's to Alzheimer's or congenital neurological disease.

Alzheimer's Disease

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